Balancing Act

Today, I’m volunteering at my daughter’s high school—another moment in the constant juggle of work, parenting, and faith. I work full-time, managing a demanding job, yet I make it a priority to stay engaged in her world. Not just as a bystander, but as someone who shows up, even when it’s complicated.

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A Spark

I've always been close with my daughter and after being locked up for 3 years, she did not want to come share my home with me. She was going into High School, into teen years right out of COVID. I realized very early in the reconnection that she had some very irrational thoughts and was holding me at arms length - multiple people told me "seems like she doesn't trust you". So I started on a journey to rebuild that trust and reconnect with my only child.

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Stories of Healing and Connection

From Struggle to Strength – The Story Behind Healing GroundLife has a way of taking unexpected turns, and sometimes those turns lead to places we never imagined we’d go. For me, that place was a 65-month prison sentence. As someone who had never historically taken risks, the idea of being caught up in a conspiracy charge and being separated from my young daughter was unimaginable. Nothing weighs heavier than being powerless to help the emotional toll it took on my 10-year-old daughter, Healing Ground is the result of that journey—a mission born out of faith, pain, love, and a deep desire to help others facing similar challenges.

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